Turner and Jon amazingly agree on what album was the best one of the previous year: Open Your Heart by The Men.
In our first non-scavenger hunt episode we'll go through it track by track and discuss how it succeeds and fails on the themes we've focused on in other TEP episodes: sequencing, lyrics, surprises, musical careers and influences and more.
As a bonus, here's a word cloud of the lyrics of the album:

On an administrative note, The Eternal Playlist has been updated until this point based on when episodes are finished editing. This meant that you'd get a cluster of three episodes at once and then maybe nothing for a couple weeks (or months in this particular case). No longer! We're now on a set schedule: one episode per week, no more and no less. We've also got a few new weekly features coming soon. Stay tuned.
- Some guy named Fuzzy Material has posted the entire album, song by song, on YouTube. I'm sure this will be taken down eventually, but until then here's a 'try before you buy' way of listening to the album.
- And here are the lyrics to the album (some of them may be slightly wrong, but it's the best set I've found so far)
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